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Please fill out this membership form within 24 hours of joining! This helps us understand our members and how to best schedule events of interest.


Membership is good for one year from the date of purchase and includes all the perks and benefits of moms group access, to include access to moms' night out events, childrens' events, meal trains if you welcome a new baby, and more!


Membership agreement

As a participant, along with my child/children, in programs and activities sponsored by Georgetown Moms Group (GMG), I agree to waive any claims which any of us otherwise may have against GMG and its organizers, officers, directors and member sponsors or hosts for GMG programs or activities on account of any accidents, physical injuries, emotional distress or property damage arising at a GMG program or activity. I waive such claims in recognition that GMG is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization and that the absence of such waivers on the part of participants might be a deterrent to GMG programs and activities. I also understand that membership dues, which help cover activities and benefits, are non-refundable.


Photo release

I grant Georgetown Moms Group (GMG) and its authorized representatives the right to take photographs of me and my family in connection with GMG events. I authorize GMG, its assignees and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that GMG may use such photographs for any lawful purpose, as part of any future publication, newsletter, social media and web content to promote GMG. I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use, or for damages.

Mom Group Membership

Price Options
One-time purchase
Mom Group Membership
$45.00every year until canceled
  • Membership is non-refundable and non-transferrable. We also do not pro-rate membership, for example if you pay and then move away, we do not offer partial refunds - our money goes to great causes, so we thank you for your understanding!

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